
Plastic Pollution

Many types of pollution's are creating havoc for our environment and one among these types of pollution is Plastic Pollution. Let understand more about Plastic Pollution in detail.

Plastic Pollution

There are many reasons responsible for damaging the environment in which plastic has emerged as a major threat. From the beginning of the day to going to bed at night, if you look carefully, you will find that plastic has captured your every moment in one way or the other.

To brush in the morning with a toothbrush or work on the computer all day in the office, bring any goods from the market or take food and water in a lunch box and water bottle. Plastic is everywhere, all the time.

Plastic Pollution facts

Let us first know some facts related to plastic that clear the picture of the threat posed by plastic to the environment.

The use of plastic in the whole world has increased so much and every year, so much plastic is thrown all over the world that it can create four circles of the whole earth.

Plastic Pollution
Plastic Pollution
Plastic chemical BPA enters the body from various sources. One study found that 93 percent of the American population over the age of 6 years is plastic chemical BPA.

Some types of plastics are clean and hardened, called BPA-based plastics, which are used in many applications such as water bottles, sporting goods, CDs, DVDs and many more.

The production of plastic consumes 8 percent of the total oil in the world. It takes 500 to 1,000 years for plastic to completely dissolve. A plastic bag has the capacity to lift up to 2,000 times its weight.

The waste we throw contains a large part of the plastic. We throw 50 percent of the plastic items by using only once. Have you ever wondered where this garbage goes? You would say how suddenly the question arose or why we have to worry about where it goes.

Effects of Plastic Pollution

Let's wait a bit to get the answer to the question and first look at some more facts related to plastic. The use of plastic has increased so much in all countries on the earth that the present-day waste in the form of plastic is one of the biggest challenges for world environmental scholars.

Developed countries often send such waste to developing or other underdeveloped countries like South Asian countries and African countries. Or such waste is also buried into the ground.

This garbage buried in the ground pollutes the sources of water and poses a big threat to our lives. Plastic things or parts, as much as you can think, are often found in large quantities in the sources of water.

Billions of pounds of plastic lie in the earth's water sources, especially in the oceans.

Plastic Pollution
Plastic Garbage at Beach
Plastic is non-biodegradable. Non-biodegradable are substances that cannot be reached by bacteria in such a state that there is no harm to the environment.

Recycling of waste is extremely important because even a small plastic polythene takes thousands of years to be completely converted into small particles and a small plastic polythene disappears in the same number of years.

When plastic is thrown as waste, it does not self-eliminate like other things. As we know it takes thousands of years to finish, it mixes water in the sources of water.

Plastic bags consist of many toxic chemicals. Which cause great harm to health and environment. Chemicals such as xylene, ethylene oxide and benzene are used to make plastic bags.

These chemicals cause many diseases and various types of disorders. Plastics are also very harmful to the chemical environment, causing harm to humans, animals, plants and all living things. Toxic chemicals are emitted by burning and throwing away plastics.

In some developed countries, special bins are put in place to throw out the waste in the form of plastic. Non-biodegradable waste is added to these bins.

Plastic Pollution
Throwing Plastic Waste in Bins
In fact, even the smallest plastic, even if it is a chocolate cover, should be thrown very carefully. Because both throwing and burning of plastics equally do great harm to the environment.

Burning of plastic causes a large amount of chemical emission which adversely affects the respiratory process by entering the body when inhaled.

Whether it is thrown or buried in the ground or thrown in water, its harmful effects are not reduced.

Solutions for Plastic Pollution

  • Keep plastic bags handy. Use them many times. Carry a bag (made of cloth or paper) with you when you buy goods or vegetables or any other carry-able things.
  • Avoid using plastic that needs to be thrown away after one use, such as plastic glass, liquids, drinking straws and similar items.
  • Promote the use of traditional clay pottery.
  • Try to reduce plastic stuff. Gradually, instead of plastic, replace with other materials.
  • Choose plastic PETE and HDPE type goods. These types of plastics are easily recycled and recycled things are not create havoc to environment.
  • Try to use plastic bags and polystyrene foam sparingly. Their recycling rate is very low. 
  • Don’t use any type of plastic stuff and discuss the low use of plastic around you.
  • There are many centers also been established in many developed countries where plastic recycling is done. Make arrangements to get your plastic waste there for recycling.
Plastic Pollution
Carrying Plastic Waste to Recycling Center

  • Do not try to get rid of plastic by yourself by dumping in water or burring in ground. Plastic does not end up in water, neither on land nor under ground. Burning also highly harmful to the environment.
  • Teach your children’s about the harmful effects of plastics.


Now we understood many things about plastic pollution. Every human being can take very important steps towards saving environment by reducing the use of plastic bags. Alertness and awareness are two very important things that can be adopted against plastic pollution.

The damage caused by plastic bags is inadequate in itself unless real steps are taken after knowing its damage. Apart from the government and environmental institutions, every citizen has certain responsibilities towards the environment, which if understood can save the environment by plastic pollution to a great extent. Control over yourself can reduce this problem to a great extent.

Please visit the article "Pollution Definition" to know more about Pollution.

Picture Sources - free images from Pixabay and Pexels

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